Hadoop Online Training

Hadoop Online Training in Hyderabad by Real Time Faculties – Attend Free Demo Class !!
Hadoop is the best Java based Programming framework that especially deals with big data.. Hadoop is the best platform that is having multiple opening now a days. Interested go getters can take training in Hadoop and get an excellent opportunity with best MNCs. The Hadoop online training will be given by expert faculties having real time experience. Anyone interested can attend the Hadoop training from their home itself without much strain.. The complete course material and standout support will be provided for the trainees. Candidates interested in Hadoop can attend the free demo class, by attending the demo class you will get a complete idea about course curriculum and other details concerned to course.
Candidates aspiring heights in their career join Hadoop and can make their own turning point in life. The Free Demo on Hadoop will be given by expert real time faculties. The Course details, course duration and project details everything will be covered in the free demo session. The trainees will be offered one live project with complete explanation with all real time examples. Candidates having higher aspirations and passions towards their career can mould their career by taking the Hadoop training.
Hadoop is the best platform these days having lot of boom in foreign countries like UK, USA, Australia Etc. The package also will be more for Hadoop jobs. Any person interested in learning Hadoop to grab excellent job opportunities can join the Hadoop online training classes. Candidates will be assisted with complete doubt clarification and complete supports on all grounds.
For any of the queries and information regarding the course details fee structure, course syllabus coverage, duration of the course, Hadoop project related information, study material related information, and any other information on Hadoop training , feel free to contact us through the E-mail Id, Phone number displayed on our home page.
Hadoop Online Training Topics Covered
Hadoop Online Training
By Real Time Faculties
What is Hadoop?
History of Hadoop
Building Blocks – Hadoop Eco-System
Who is behind Hadoop?
What Hadoop is good for and why it is Good
Configuring HDFS
Interacting With HDFS
HDFS Permissions and Security
Additional HDFS Tasks
HDFS Overview and Architecture
HDFS Installation
Hadoop File System Shell
File System Java API
Map/Reduce Overview and Architecture
Developing Map/Red Jobs
Input and Output Formats
Job Configuration
Job Submission
Practicing Map Reduce Programs (atleast 10 Map Reduce Algorithms )
4.Getting Started With Eclipse IDE
Configuring Hadoop API on Eclipse IDE
Connecting Eclipse IDE to HDFS
5.Hadoop Streaming
6.Advanced MapReduce Features
Custom Data Types
Input Formats
Output Formats
Partitioning Data
Reporting Custom Metrics
Distributing Auxiliary Job Data
7.Distributing Debug Scripts
8.Using Yahoo Web Services
Pig Overview
Pig Latin
Pig with HDFS
10. Hive
Hive Overview
Hive QL
Hive Unstructured Data Analyzation
Hive Semistructured Data Analyzation
HBase Overview and Architecture
HBase Installation
HBase Shell
CRUD operations
Scanning and Batching
HBase Key Design
Zoo Keeper Overview
Server Mantainace
Sqoop Overview
Imports and Exports
Basic Setup
Important Directories
Selecting Machines
Cluster Configurations
Small Clusters: 2-10 Nodes
Medium Clusters: 10-40 Nodes
Large Clusters: Multiple Racks
16.Putting it all together
Distributed installations
Best Practices
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